DMON2 is a software tool which improves developer productivity. It speeds up the debug of embedded software applications on system-on-chips (SOCs) with one or more SPARC V8 LEON or ARM processor cores. It provides the following facilities:
- GUI with unique visualisation of SOC activity
- Drill-down for each IP core detected to register and bit level
- Eclipse TCF multicore source level debugging (also GDB)
- Supports SPARC V8 LEON2/3/4 and ARM targets
- Supports UART, Ethernet, JTAG & Spacewire debug links
- Breakpoint, watchpoint and disassembly support
- Support for user-defined IP and commands
- Tested with development kits from many vendors
- Runs on Windows, Linux, & Cygwin
- Remote access client/server support
- Support for TCL & Python scripting
- Statistics module with graph/store options for target data
Developed in cooperation with European Space Agency (ESA)